Friday, May 31, 2013

Workplace Bathroom Etiquette

Keep the bathroom clean, and use it for its intended purpose.

Unless you have a "steel bladder," the workplace bathroom is a place you'll need to visit from time to time. Since this is a public place for private business, there are a few rules everyone should follow to make it a pleasant place to visit.

Keep it Clean

If you splash water onto the counter or floor, wipe it up. If you dribble on the seat, don't leave it for the next person. Make sure everything goes down after you've flushed.

The Sweet Smell of Harmony

Don't saturate the air with air freshener or perfume--some people may be allergic or sensitive to these things. If you leave a more organic smell behind inadvertently, use an extra flush to help it go away.

Stick to the Business at Hand

Don't make phone calls while you're using the bathroom; nobody wants to hear that kind of background noise. And if you need to discuss something with a coworker, wait at least until you're both out of your stalls and washing up.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Always wash your hands even if you only went into the stall to adjust clothing. Your coworkers don't know what you did in there, and they'll be thinking about it every time you try to shake hands or hand them a document.

Don't Crowd

Don't stand right on top of the stall waiting for someone to get out. If you have to wait, busy yourself by fixing your hair or rummaging in your purse--anything to keep from embarrassing a coworker with unfortunate digestion.

Be Respectful

If you happen to overhear a bit of gossip in the bathroom, don't repeat it. If you notice something that makes you think someone might be ill, upset or expecting, keep it to yourself.
