Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sensual Bedroom Decorating Ideas

The different fabrics on this bed create an area that appeals to the sense of touch.

Your bedroom should be a haven from the rest of the house where you can truly relax. A sensual bedroom is one way to make this space ultimately relaxing: It should appeal to the senses with enriching colors, textures and smells. You don't need to be a professional interior designer to create a luxurious space that invites you to touch, smell and relax in your bedroom. Rather, you just need to employ specific decorative strategies when adorning the room.

Vivid Colors

A sensual bedroom should be full of rich colors that appeal to the eye. Avoid the neutral tones of tan, beige, gray and sand. Rich colors like amethyst, ruby and sapphire and emerald green will establish a vivid palate of color. Don't be afraid to layer colors: Several bold colors combined will have a dazzling effect. A few accents of black also work well, since black is such a dramatic color.


Experiment with a variety of soft, soothing fabrics. For example, mix flannel and silk sheets with velvet and corduroy pillows to create an inviting bed. Satin or chiffon window treatments are a graceful, inviting way to further decorate the room. Even a few accents of real or fake fur will beckon you or your guests to curl up in the room. Add a few fur throw pillows or drape a fur blanket across an armchair to make a cozy space. Consider investing in a canopy bed--use your favorite type of fabric and color for the canopy, be it orange satin or cream colored lace. This is a simple way to drape fabric to create a sensual environment. Similarly, just nail a piece of your favorite fabric above your bed so that it drapes in a way that resembles a wave to create a sight that pleases the eye.

Strategic Lighting

Part of creating a sensual bedroom is having lighting that doesn't jolt the eyes or make the room overly bright. Small track lights let you point them at specific areas of the room; recessed lights create a gentle glow. Purchase decorative lights that do more than their utilitarian purpose but which have built-in dimmers. Decorative lamps with beads, crystals or tassels hanging from the shade or other detailed features help to generate a sense of opulence and lavishness necessary for a sensual bedroom.

Scented Candles

Scented candles give you the best of both worlds: They provide a soft, warm welcoming light, perfect for nighttime and they give off a slight smell that adds character to the room. However, you don't want to use overbearing scents that will overwhelm the room. Select candles with subtle smells like sandlewood, lilac, peach or lavender. Feel free to mix and match these subtle scents to create a distinct aroma that belongs exclusively to your bedroom.

Tags: bedroom should, sensual bedroom, sensual bedroom, your favorite