Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Change Old Exhaust Fan Light Bulbs In Bathrooms

Many bathroom designs save on space by incorporating a standard room or night light inside the exhaust vent opening. Changing old exhaust fan light bulbs in bathrooms only requires that you access the bulb, remove it and replace it with a new one. Typically, this takes little work beyond removing a light cover and/or exhaust fan vent grill.


1. Turn off the electricity to the bathroom or exhaust fan by flipping its corresponding breaker switch in the circuit breaker box.

2. Set up a step stool or ladder under the exhaust fan.

3. Remove the light cover and/or exhaust fan vent grill. If the cover/grill screws on, unscrew it and set the pieces aside. If it hooks inside the vent opening, run your fingertips along the edges on the sides of the cover/grill, pull it toward you, press the wires inside together to unhook it from the vent and then remove and set it aside.

4. Unscrew the light bulb from the socket and set it aside. Screw in the new bulb.

5. Return the cover to its original position. Restore the flow of electricity to the room or light. Flip the light switch to confirm that the bulb works.

Tags: exhaust vent, cover exhaust, cover exhaust vent, cover grill, exhaust vent grill