Thursday, April 14, 2011

Make Curtains For A Boy'S Bedroom

Sometimes it is hard to toss out your son's team sport shirts, but here is an excellent way to display them. This curtain idea is unique and fun to look at. Each shirt has a memory attached to it so why not pull them out of the drawer and hang them on the window. This also works well using tourist/souvenir shirts.


1. Turn your shirt inside out and lay flat to cut. Lay your tape measure along the side of the shirt. Starting at the shoulder where it meets the sleeve, mark a guide line. Cut along this guide line.

2. Pin and sew the seam, using a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Stop before you get to the last 3 inches from the top. You will need this open for the curtain rod.

3. Repeat this for the opposite side of the shirt.

4. Lay your measure across the top of your shirt starting from the top of the sleeves. Mark a cutting guide line and cut off the top of the shirt.

5. Sew this seam using a 1/2-inch seam allowance.

6. Press all the seams with your iron.

7. Turn the shirt right-side out.

8. Measure 2 inches from the top of the shirt. Machine stitch along this guide line to make the curtain rod pocket.

9. Insert the curtain rod into the pocket and place the rod onto the rod bracket.

Tags: guide line, 2-inch seam, 2-inch seam allowance, along this, along this guide