Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Paint A Bedroom Wall Black

You can paint your room black in a few simple steps.

Painting a wall a dark color, such as black, is far easier than painting a wall a lighter color. The darker color covers the original color without as many coats. When painting a room black, there are a few rules you need to follow to ensure the wall turns out looking its best and appears professionally done, without paying the cost for professional painters.


1. Wash down your walls with a damp cloth. This removes all dirt, dust and other buildup on the wall.

2. Edge the sides of the wall where it meets the ceiling and the floor with black primer. Primer is used so the paint sticks better to the wall. Paint over all of the edges before continuing. Do not use a thick layer because when the primer dries you are left with the edges thicker than the rest of the wall.

3. Roll the primer onto the wall. Use the paint roller to make "w"-shaped paint strokes with the primer. This has the best coverage for the first roll of primer, then fill in the gaps with the next pass. Repeat until the entire wall is covered with the black primer.

4. Allow at least two to three hours for drying time. When the paint is dry, apply the first layer of black paint in the same way you applied the primer, edges first, then the walls. After the first layer of paint, allow it to dry. Apply a second layer of paint to ensure the paint covers the entire wall, then touch up any missed areas with the paintbrush.

Tags: black primer, entire wall, first layer, layer paint, room black, with black, with black primer