Thursday, November 1, 2012

Decorating A Dining Room With Palm Trees

Add tropical flair to dining rooms with palm trees.

Palm trees add an elegant, tropical feel to a dining room. You can utilize real potted palm trees or artificial palm trees that are made of silk. These can look very realistic and require little care. Whether you use real or artificial trees, keep in mind that it takes just a few to give the room a tropical feel. If you use too many for the space you have, it will feel more like a jungle than an elegant resort.


1. Measure the areas in which you wish to place the palm trees to make sure you will have enough room. Take into account the pot size and the length of the palm fronds. Consider the lighting available in the dining room from windows, if you plan on using real palm trees.

2. Choose your decorative pots. Sometimes you may find palm trees already planted in decorative pots but more often they will come in standard plastic pots (this includes artificial palm trees). You'll want nice looking containers, large enough to fit the palm, that match your dining room decor. suggests using color shades of turquoise, coral, green, yellow and blue to create enhance the tropical feel of a room. Wicker planters would add a tropical touch for artificial palms; however, they would not be suitable for real palms. The wicker would get wet when you water the palm and it would eventually mildew.

3. Place the decorative pots exactly where you wish your palm trees. Test to make sure that the pots will not be in the way of the table or walkways--for example, anyone should be able to move a chair back and exit the table with ease without bumping into a palm tree. Also, palm fronds should not hang over the table, as debris from the fronds can fall into food.

4. If using real palms, place two inches of gravel at the bottom of each pot. The gravel will hold water runoff from the tree. Keep the immediate area more humid for the palm. Place the palm trees inside the decorative pots and give them a deep watering.

5. Add elegantly framed paintings or photos of beaches or other tropical subjects on the walls to complement your palm trees and give a resort feel to the room.

Tags: palm trees, decorative pots, palm trees, tropical feel, your palm trees, artificial palm