Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Paint A Dining Room A Wine Color

Painting can dramatically change the mood of a room. However, if not done properly, it can be an unpleasant sight to behold. When you paint a room a dark color or apply light paint over dark, it can be especially difficult to do so properly. So, depending on whether you want to paint a room the color of white wine or red, you'll need to take the appropriate steps to do so.


1. Select a color. Wine comes in both red and white and all shades in between. Look at color samples at the store. Bring samples home and look at them in the light of the room; sometimes a dark red that looks rich and wonderful in the store can look very different in a dark dining room at home. If you have a specific wine color you are trying to match, some paint stores can custom-blend the color for you. So, take your favorite bottle of merlot to the paint store and see if the people at the paint counter can match the color.

2. Select a brand of paint and a finish. While there are certain special paints designed for kitchens and baths that resist mold and mildew, this is usually not necessary in a dining room. However, if your dining room is attached to, or part of, your kitchen, you may want to select one of these special types of paint. Also select a finish for your paint. The finishes range from glossy to matte, and the paint store will usually have samples to demonstrate what each looks like.

3. Have the primer tinted with the paint color. This is especially important if you are painting your dining room a dark color, like the color of red wine. A tinted primer can reduce the number of coats you need and can make your painting job much easier in the long run.

4. Remove as much furniture from the room as possible, and get the walls ready for painting. Tape off all of the woodwork in the room. You should also remove cover plates from light fixtures and electrical outlets and switches, so you do not end up with messy edges. Tape around windows, along the ceiling, and anyplace else you don't want the wine-colored paint to go. Cover the floor and any remaining furniture with drop cloths.

5. Prime the walls. Before you apply your beautiful wine color, you should prepare the walls with one or two coats of primer. If you are painting a white-wine color over a dark wall, two coats of primer may be necessary. If you are painting the wall a dark red, one coat of primer should suffice. Let the primer dry thoroughly---approximately 24 hours.

6. Now apply the paint. You may need to use several coats to get a rich, evenly painted surface. Let each coat dry sufficiently before the next one to ensure the best job. Before you begin each a new coat, make sure the previous one is no longer sticky to the touch.

Tags: dining room, coats primer, dark color, each coat, over dark, paint room, paint store