Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Designing A Bathroom Closet

When it comes to designing a bathroom, much attention is given to the shower, the sink and the flooring. However, the bathroom closet is often neglected. Since so many items used in the bathroom need to be easily accessible, a well-designed and well-organized closet contributes to a well-designed bathroom.


The size of a bathroom closet is often determined by the space available. It is often found at the end of the bathtub and is usually as deep as the bathtub is wide, which makes it quite deep. It should run from ceiling to floor. Its width is normally based on available space.


A traditional closet door is often cumbersome in a bathroom, as there just isn't enough space. Perhaps you can divide the closet in half and hinge two small doors on each side. If the closet is next to the bathtub, extend the shower rod and hang double shower curtains, letting one curtain cover the closet. You also can allow the closet to remain open.

If the Closet Is Open

If you decide to go without doors, you can make the closet into a design element by painting the interior of the closet the same color as the rest of the bath or in complementary colors. Look at all of the features that will be showing, including the shelves and their edges. You may want to consider some decorative molding for the edges. Glass shelves with a light above can be very attractive as well.

Organize and Clean

Do a thorough cleaning of the items to go into the closet. Throw out any item with an expiration date that has passed. Throw out items with just a small amount left. Consider donating or throwing out anything that you haven't used in more than a year.

Throw out all worn towels or make them into rags. Splurge on some nice towels. It's easiest if they are all the same color, but you could get two colors and alternate the design. Experiment on different ways to attractively arrange them. Folding them in thirds means that no rough edges will show. Rolling and stacking them can also make a nice arrangement.

Storage Devices

It is particularly important with deep closets and with open closets to find an attractive way to store the multiple items within. Sliding shelves work well and are a huge plus for the lower areas. Frosted bins, cloth containers and decorative baskets all make good storage areas to hide any unsightly items you keep in the bathroom.

Some companies make storage items for the bathroom. Also consider beauty supply stores, which sell many storage items that would fit in a bathroom. Also consider repurposing shelving from the kitchen and the office. For example, a shelving unit for spices or canned goods can often be used for nail polish, medicines or cosmetic items.

If you have children, remember to store all medicines and cleaning supplies on upper shelves, out of their reach. Put a basket with bathtub toys on the floor or lower shelf where children can easily access it.

Tags: Also consider, bathroom Also, bathroom Also consider, bathroom closet, bathroom closet often, closet often, same color