Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Romantic Master Bedroom Suite Ideas

Romantic master bedrooms have a soft and inviting atmosphere.

The master bedroom suite in your home is more than just a place to sleep and store your clothing. For couples, the master bedroom is a place to spend time together and enjoy romantic moments. The d cor that you choose for your master bedroom plays a role in the atmosphere and mood in the room.


Choose soft colors for a romantic bedroom mood. You do not have to focus on red or pink for the colors in a romantic bedroom. Soft colors such as pale blue and sea green can create a serene and relaxing color, which is romantic. Warm tones also create a romantic mood for the master bedroom suite.


The texture of the bedding and fabrics in the room adds to the romantic mood. Soft, luxurious textures are comfortable and enticing. Use fabrics for accents in the room, such as a flowing canopy over the bed or on the wall behind the bed. Choose sheers for window treatments for a simple, romantic look in the room. Consider white sheers that reach the floor for your romantic master bedroom.

Down comforters are soft and warm, which is perfect for cuddling and romance. Fold a warm down comforter at the foot of the bed during warmer times of the year.


The bed is the focal point of a romantic master bedroom. Choose a bed size that is appropriate for the size of the room. Don't cram a king-sized bed into the room and leave no room to walk or for any other furnishings. If the room is large enough, a lounge chair or loveseat is a romantic touch for the room. Choose pieces with curves and some ornamentation for the romantic theme in the master bedroom.


Lighting is one of the most important decorative accents that you can use in the master bedroom. Choose to install multiple layers of light, which allows you to control the brightness in the room. Lighting plays a large part in the atmosphere of a room. For the romantic bedroom, include plenty of candles without overdoing it. A few candles placed around the room is a romantic touch.

Tags: master bedroom, romantic bedroom, bedroom Choose, colors romantic, colors romantic bedroom