Thursday, October 15, 2009

Decorate Bedrooms With Twin Beds

Add visual interest to a room with twin beds by using a symmetrical theme.

Decorating a room with twin beds has many advantages. As one of the smallest bed sizes available, twin beds generally leave the maximum amount of space in a room for additional furniture and decoration. A pair of twin beds also adds this benefit but provides the opportunity to add a stylish decor pattern. Use the twin theme as a guide when building your decorative props and color schemes. Creating a mirror look in the room with each twin bed at opposite ends of the room is a fun idea that works for all bedrooms regardless of function.


1. Use a piece of tape to mark the line of symmetry within the room. This line serves as your guide as you create a symmetrical look on each side of the room.

2. Push the twin beds against opposite walls in the room. This opens up the floor, giving it a more spacious feel. If you have a window in the room, the beds should be on either wall adjacent to the window.

3. Choose identical linens for each bed. Linens with geometric patterns offer the best visual appeal for the symmetrical theme.

4. Add two chests of drawers, bookshelves and small nightstands to the room. Add the nightstand next to each bed. Place the chest of drawers and bookshelves in remaining space in the room ensuring each item is opposite the other across your line of symmetry.

5. Hang photos and add tabletop accessories such as a wall clock to add further detail to the room. The more detail included in the space, the more intentional the symmetry will appear. For example, two clock radios on the nightstand indicate more of a whimsical style than function.

Tags: twin beds, room with, drawers bookshelves, line symmetry, room This, room with twin, space room