Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tools To Pick A Bedroom Door Lock

Get back into your bedroom by picking the lock on your door.

Picking a bedroom door lock can be quick and simple or long and difficult. Starting with a simple method before trying more complex ones can save time and frustration. Picking a lock may require tools that aren't very common, but they're useful to have at hand if you're ever locked out of your room.

Credit Card

Some interior door locks are so simple that a small piece of plastic, like a credit card or ID, can be used to pick them. You simply have to slide the credit card into the crack between the door and the frame, just above the locking mechanism. Then you slide down the credit card to see if you can insinuate it between the lock and where the lock is inserted into the frame. If you can, the door should glide smoothly open.


A lock-picking pick is defined by the shape of its head. Some are pointed, waved, saw-toothed or shaped like a half-diamond. Expert locksmiths will be able to easily ascertain what kind of pick is needed, but for amateurs it's a matter of trial and error. The hook-shaped pick is the most common one used when trying to trip one individual tumbler on a lock interior at a time. Picks must be thin, so they can move around in the lock without tripping earlier tumblers, but strong enough to manipulate the next tumbler in line.

Torque Tools

A torque tool allows you to apply pressure to the pick so that it can turn the lock tumbler in the correct way. You use them to control the amount of force the pick puts on the tumbler. Torque tools are often made with a 90-degree bend that fits in the key hole and a longer handle that you can use to apply force. Torque tools should be as thick as possible while still fitting in the keyhole. A long handle on a torque tool is a positive addition.

Tags: credit card, torque tool, Torque tools