Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Design Your Bedroom Art

If you're designing artwork for your bedroom, you have several considerations to take into account. Your style, color scheme and the size of the walls will help to determine the design of the artwork. One option for artwork you can do yourself is applying fabric or wallpaper to a painter's canvas of any size. Consider doing several canvases and hanging them as a collection.


1. Select a basic canvas for your project. Choose the canvas dimensions based on the size of the bedroom and the available space on the walls. Purchase the canvas.

2. Select a wallpaper or fabric that suits the colors and style of your bedroom. The colors can be contrasting or complementary. The style can be a traditional print or a contemporary graphic. Both fabric and wallpaper come in a variety of colors and styles.

3. Place the wallpaper or fabric on a cutting mat. Trim the wallpaper or fabric to the size of the canvas, using a straight edge and rotary cutter.

4. Set the canvas on a work surface with the front side facing up. Brush the canvas with decoupage paste, using a natural-bristle craft brush.

5. Align the wallpaper or fabric over the canvas. Smooth the panel over the canvas with your hands.

6. Apply a coat of decoupage paste over the smoothed-out wallpaper or fabric, using a poly brush. The decoupage will seal the wallpaper or fabric. Allow the decoupage to dry 24 hours before handling the canvas or taking it to a frame shop get framed.

Tags: wallpaper fabric, canvas with, decoupage paste, fabric wallpaper, over canvas, your bedroom