Thursday, March 31, 2011

Toddler Girl Bedroom Ideas

Bedrooms for toddler girls can be bright and colorful.

When decorating a bedroom for a toddler girl, you have the freedom to use bright colors and frilly design elements that do not usually fit in rooms used by grownups. To eliminate the need to redecorate completely as your daughter grows, start with a simple, versatile base color and add details that will encourage her development and imagination.


When choosing colors for your toddler's bedroom, start with a simple base color that will be versatile as your child grows, and add bright colors in curtains, bedding, rugs and other elements. Use bright colors that will stimulate your child during playtime; while a toddler may not have a favorite color, she can learn to identify different colors in the room. Pinks, yellows, greens and purples work well together to create a little girl's dream room.

Imagination Spaces

Toddlers tend to be unrestricted by the practicalities of adults and older children and are more likely to engage in imaginative play. In your little girl's bedroom, create a space that encourages this type of mental exploration. If she is interested in dolls, you might include a miniature tea setup with a small table, chairs and dishes. For a child who loves to arrange and create, you can make a space with a washable floor mat and art supplies. If you have the room for a dramatic statement, build a miniature playhouse that can be positioned in one side of the room to act as a play area.

Feminine Touches

If your little girl is interested in princesses, ballerinas or other feminine characters, you can create a girly space that will delight her senses. Look for frilly bedding in her favorite color, and choose sheets patterned with her favorite storybook character. You can include a dressing table complete with a dress-up closet, or princess design elements. Choose bright, whimsical window treatments that can be placed high above the child's reach using ribbons, valances and patterned fabric.

Educational Elements

Because toddlers are actively engaged in discovering the world around them, educational bedroom design elements can add atmosphere and help speed their development. Consider placing a framed poster that teaches numbers, colors or words in a foreign language on the wall at a level that allows your child to see and read it easily. Include books, flash cards or other educational toys in a special area that is complete with a child-size chair and table.

Tags: that will, bright colors, design elements, little girl, your child, base color