Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Give A Bedroom More Warmth

Your bedroom should be a warm and relaxing place of refuge that you enjoy entering in to at the end the day. An uninviting bedroom, void of décor and lacking in warmth, is just another room. It’s not a cozy retreat where you can unwind and seek comfort from daily responsibilities and stresses. No matter how big or small, elegant or rustic, you can easily give any bedroom added warmth by learning a few simple tricks that will change your drab space in to a welcoming oasis. Read on to learn give a bedroom more warmth.


1. Remove the clutter. You can't expect your bedroom to feel warm and inviting if you can't see the floor for the clutter. Clear off your dresser and night stands and make sure the floor is clean before you begin redecorating.

2. Paint the ceiling and walls using a paint scheme that adds warmth to make the room feel cozier. Golds, oranges, yellows, and tan and beige tones provide the most warmth. Stay away from dark or cool colors that have no place in the bedroom when your goal is to create a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. Choose two shades of a color that spark a sense of warmth in you. Use the lighter color for the ceiling and the darker color for the walls.

3. Arrange your furniture in a way that best utilizes the space you have. If you have a small room, stay away from large furniture and be careful not to clutter your walls and floor space with pieces you don't need. If your room is large enough , try to add some comfortable chairs and a few bookcases to make a peaceful area where you can unwind with a good book--just be sure you have adequate space. You should be able to walk across the room without having to turn or adjust your path to avoid furniture.

4. Use accessories. Opt for solid colored curtains that complement the color of the room and use matching mini-blinds to soften the look of the window. Decorate your walls with a few ornately framed mirrors and prints that depict relaxing scenes. Purchase matching lamps that are tall enough to provide adequate reading light when you're lying on the bed and adorn your dresser with items that give you a sense of comfort--just don't over do it. A few small accent pieces will suffice--any more than that is clutter.

5. Install a dimmer switch. Using a dimmer to control lighting allows you to instantly give added ambiance to any room.

Tags: away from, give bedroom, where unwind, your dresser, your walls