Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Paint Techniques & Ideas For Worn Bedroom Furniture

Worn bedroom furniture doesn't necessarily mean that your furniture needs to take a trip to the curb to be hauled off. Instead, you can give your worn furniture new life just by employing some simple paint techniques. By using these techniques, you will not only revitalize your furniture---you will also save money. You won't need to replace your furniture, and if you use right technique, your furniture will look fresh and modern again.


Stencils add a decorative element and bring a burst of color to worn furniture. If your furniture has worn out or if you've acquired worn furniture that you plan on using to fill up a country decor--inspired room, stenciling gives you plenty of options. While you certainly can paint over the worn furniture, it isn't necessary to do so with country or shabby chic styles in which worn is in. Instead, just apply the stencils. Stencils come in many different patterns and designs, from basic geometric shapes to apples to butterflies. Select the pattern that is right for your furniture and paint the design directly on the piece you want to rejuvenate.

Hammered Steel

This technique is a very simple one and requires only that you purchase a specialty paint called "Hammered Steel." It comes in a spray can. You simply spray it onto the furniture you want to make over. To do this project, you'll need to purchase several cans of paint. (The size of the project will determine the number of cans.) When the paint dries, it takes on the appearance and texture of hammered steel. This paint provides you with an excellent way to make your old furniture fit into an industrial decorating scheme. For example, if you spray it onto an old coffee table, the table will look as if it were constructed from hammered steel.

Crackled Paint

Crackle paint techniques have been popular for quite some time in craft circles, where you see crackle paint applied to items such as flower pots for the garden. However, you can also use crackle paint techniques to give your worn-out furniture a boost. To begin this project, you'll need two different colors of paint---a light and a dark one---crackle medium, paintbrushes and a sea sponge. Apply the dark paint onto your furniture and allow it to dry according to the instructions on the can. Next, add the crackle medium using a brush or a roller to apply it to the surface you just painted. When it dries, apply the lighter coat of paint. For small surfaces, the sponge works best for this; for large surfaces, use a brush. Once the project is done, your furniture will take on a crackled appearance much like an old painting. (See the Resources for more information.)

Tags: your furniture, worn furniture, paint techniques, crackle paint, furniture will, give your, hammered steel