Saturday, March 8, 2014

Make An Air Cannon

You can use PVC piping for many applications, including making an air cannon.

Air cannons are often seen at various sporting events where they shoot rolled-up T-shirts into the crowd. Using PVC piping, air cannons are fairly easy to design and build. When it's completed, you should be able to launch T-shirts or potatoes a good distance. As with any item that shoots a projectile, care must be taken to ensure that the air cannon is not pointed at any one person, pet or other animal. If directed toward a house or building, it may also cause damage such as broken windows or damaged siding.


1. Cut two equal lengths of PVC piping. The diameter of the second length should be just small enough to slide inside of the first length. Sand the cut ends of the PVC pipe so they are free of rough edges.

2. Drill a small hole 2 inches from the end of the larger length of PVC pipe.

3. Apply some PVC primer on both the inside and outside of the hole you just drilled. Apply a coat of primer around the base of the Schrader valve that you take from a bicycle inner tube and insert the valve into the hole you drilled. Apply a generous amount of PVC cement around the valve.

4. Brush PVC cement around the end of the pipe closest to the valve stem. Attach a PVC end cap on this end of the pipe and allow it and the valve stem to dry thoroughly.

5. Apply PVC cement around the other end of the PVC pipe containing the valve and inside the PVC ball valve. Place the ball valve on the end of the piping and hold it in place until the cement has thoroughly dried.

6. Apply PVC cement to the outside of the second length of PVC piping.

7. Insert the second length of piping into the open side of the PVC ball valve and hold it in place until it is thoroughly dry.

8. Attach a bicycle pump to the valve, and pump 30 to 35 pounds of air into the PVC piping. Insert a rolled-up T-shirt or potato into the other end. Aim the air cannon in a safe direction and release the ball valve.

Tags: cannon, ball valve, cement around, second length, Apply cement, drilled Apply, hold place, hold place until, length piping, piping Insert, place until, second length piping, valve stem