Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feng Shui Bathroom Colors

Feng Shui is the Chinese art of positioning objects and selecting colors based on the flow of energy to achieve maximum harmony. The practice revolves around the belief in the opposite energy patterns of yin and yang; yin is passive, and yang is aggressive. Feng Shui bathroom colors should be taken primarily from the yin palette to create a calm, relaxing space.

Pale Blue

The color blue has yin energy and is significant in the practice of Feng Shui. Blue reflects love, creates a feeling of peace, heals and relaxes. Feng Shui translated from Chinese to English means wind and water. Blue is the color of the ocean and the sky, making it a good color choice for the bathroom. In Feng Shui, the bathroom is connected with release and renewal. The element of water is already present in the bathroom, so use a light shade of blue to keep the feel of the space open.

Light Gray

Gray is the combination of black and white, two yin colors that can also bring healing and relaxation. Black symbolizes money, power and emotional protection. As wealth is another important aspect of the bathroom in Feng Shui, a shade of black is an appropriate color for the bathroom. White represents purity, confidence and poise in Feng Shui. Combining white with black to make a light gray can enhance the harmony of the space.


Another light and airy color that works well for a Feng Shui bathroom is cream. The color cream is made by combining white and pink with yellow. White and pink are yin colors; yellow is a yang color that is considered fortunate. Painting the bathroom in cream speaks to both the wealth and relaxing aspects of a Feng Shui bathroom design.


Purple is another yin color that is important in Feng Shui design. Lavender is a light and airy shade of purple made from combining white with purple. In Feng Shui, the color purple represents mental and physical healing along with spiritual awareness. The added properties of the color white bring purity and confidence into the design.

Tags: Feng Shui, color that, bathroom cream, bathroom Feng, bathroom Feng Shui, Blue color