Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Design A Spa Retreat In A Master Bedroom

Design a Spa Retreat in a Master Bedroom

Aromatherapy candles, the sounds of a waterfall, calming music--these are some of the sights and sounds that you'll find at a spa retreat. Spa retreats are great for physical and emotional relaxation. Not everyone is able to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars for routine spa retreats, so the next best thing is to create one in your home. The master bedroom is a great place to incorporate elements of relaxation without blowing your budget.



1. Create order in the room. Keep everything out of the master bedroom that does not pertain to relaxation. This includes bills, documents and computers (if used for work purposes). Obtain baskets for all other items such as jewelry, socks, footies, and other items that are necessary for the space.

2. Paint the walls a color(s) that's relaxing to you. For some this may be brown hues, for others it may be sky blue. Consider making one wall an accent wall with a variant, complementary color or varying hue of your room color for artwork or wall shelves.

3. Find artwork that catches your eye. Small pieces of art at strategic places can shift your thoughts from stress and relax your body when seen. Large works of art can be centerpieces of the room, adding depth and color to your space.

4. Install dimmers for your lights. The abruptness of off/on switches can be disturbing to your spa retreat decor. Dimmers cause a gradual effect, providing better lighting transitions and a more relaxing atmosphere.

5. Add a water fountain for an outdoors effect. Waterfalls tend to have a calming effect on the body. Watching the water fall or listening to the water trickle through the machine can help some have a better night's rest.

6. Add fresh flowers and candles for the room. Fresh flowers add a nice visual touch and can be a natural air freshener to the room. Candles provide subtle color enhancements, a refreshing scent and subtle lighting accents.

7. Find a bed that is comfortable for you. If you share a bed with someone, it is best to find a bed that works well for both of you. Consider a bed where you can adjust firmness and/or temperature on each side. Add luxury linens for extra comfort.

8. Remember your audio and video devices. For music, an iPod docking station works well if you have an iPod. For video, a high-definition television adds crisp color for those times when television provides the relaxation you're looking for.

9. Hire a professional(s) to install a panel that allows you to control lights, temperature and other devices via remote control.

10. Incorporate built-in wall speakers for surround-sound effect.

Tags: Design Retreat, Design Retreat Master, Master Bedroom, master bedroom, other items