Friday, May 4, 2012

Decorate A Spare Bedroom On A Budget

Decorate your room with a few colorful accents to save money.

Decorating your spare bedroom doesn't have to be stressful or expensive. You don't need to take a trip to a boutique furniture store or resort to time-consuming sewing projects. Materials for decoration can be found in your home or picked up at your local craft store inexpensively. One key to budget decorating is to focus on incorporating a few accent pieces while keeping the majority of the room simple in neutral colors. This method will help to ensure that your guests feel comfortable in your room regardless of their personal aesthetic.


1. Prepare your budget. You won't be able to make the best cost-saving decisions on your decorations unless you know exactly how much you can afford to spend. Find an exact number, or number range, and stick to it as you are shopping for decorations.

2. Assess what you have and make a list of what you want to buy. Avoid buying new furniture by scouring flea markets or visiting swapping/trade websites. If you have furniture that you don't use, consider if it can be used with a coat of paint, or new hardware on drawers. Ask friends or family if they have furniture to spare. Look for lamps too; two lamps don't have to match perfectly, as long as they complement each other. Decorative scarves you have laying around can be wrapped over curtain rods and made into window treatments or to add as accents to the tops of drawers.

3. Head to the craft store to purchase items on your list that you aren't able to find for free. Consider a wall collage of framed photos, using cheap frames of varying sizes and design. Most photo programs on computers allow you to change your personal photos to black and white, which will put the emphasis on the frames as a design element. Look for vases to arrange real or silk flowers in to sit on tables and dressers. Consider painting a border design in the room with stencils. Mirrors also can be used to give the appearance of a larger, more open room.

4. Keep your room simple and avoid decoration clutter. A spare bedroom needs to be somewhat neutral because different people will be using it. Knick-knacks, bedside tables with tablecloths and dark wood furniture can make a room seem small and old fashioned. A stark white room with nothing on the walls can seem clinical and cold. Create a happy medium by using accent colors that are on the warmer side of the color scale (orange, gold, red, pink) and their complements. If you can't afford new bedding, consider purchasing a few decorative throw pillows in your accent color.

Tags: room with, your room, craft store, have furniture, room simple, spare bedroom