Monday, February 1, 2010

Design A Teenage Boy'S Bedroom

Bedrooms are important spaces for a teenager's development.

People who have nice living spaces in which they feel comfortable benefit greatly from their surroundings. A nice bedroom is comforting, relaxing and serves as a personal space. Teenagers need bedrooms that are conducive to more than sleeping; their bedrooms provide a place to study, spend time with friends, fulfill hobbies and develop an identity by placing posters, art and other personal belongings around the room.


Color Palette

1. Painting the walls is an important room element.

Determine which colors you'll use throughout the room. A color theme often helps tie a room together. The color palette of a bedroom can make all the difference in how one feels within that room. Ask the teenager what colors he likes---though common male color palettes tend to come in blue, green and brown, the teenager himself might have a better idea about what he likes. Determine if the room should have carpeting or not. Select a carpet color option that plays well with the wall color. If the color of the walls is a light blue, for instance, a dark blue carpet could enhance the overall theme. According to This Old House, a good painting option is to use an accent wall. The accent wall should be painted a different color than the rest of the walls. This works well for the farthest wall from the entrance of the room, or a wall where shelves are hung. It provides the room with a sense of color balance.

2. Shelves can hold books and much more.

Purchase a computer desk and bookshelf. Studying is an important element in a teenager's life. Purchase a desk with enough space for a computer. Search for bookshelves that can be mounted to the wall behind the bed or behind the desk. The teenager can place all of his books, belongings and awards on these shelves. Teenagers like to play video games and watch television, so buy an entertainment console that can hold a television set and the video game consoles and wires on neat and tidy shelves.

3. Purchase a nice hamper for the room.

Provide lots of storage space. Purchase plastic crates that slide easily underneath the bed or desk. Buy an extra large hamper for the teen's clothing. If there is no closet space, place a discrete hamper in the corner. Visit local home stores to find hampers that match the look of a room. Common materials are bamboo or wicker, either painted or unfinished.

4. Buy some bean bag chairs for visitors.

Teenagers often bring their friends over, and will require extra places to sit. Place some dark-colored bean bag chairs around the room for visitors. Bean bags not only provide designated (and comfortable) seating, they can be placed in corners as a way to balance the shape of the room or fill space where there might be empty spaces. They can also be put away when people are not visiting.

Tags: accent wall, around room, bean chairs