Thursday, August 20, 2009

Choose Bedroom Wall Colors

The bedroom is expected to be the most comfortable and relaxing, yet most personal room in the house. Choosing wall colors becomes a challenge because different palettes, tints and tone combinations can provide various effects, some of which may not be what you imagined. These simple steps and guidelines will help you narrow down your options.


1. Decide on what theme or overall effect you want to get from the bedroom. If it's a small bedroom, do you want it to look larger than it is? If it's a spacious, high-ceiling bedroom, do you want to try bold and exotic colors and decor? Do you have existing furniture that you want to highlight with the wall colors? Do you have a special theme in mind that you want to emphasize on the walls, like safari, Hollywood, circus, Victorian or contemporary? A theme gives you a starting point on what types of color schemes will work.

2. Consider neutral colors like white, cream, beige and light shades of brown and gray. Neutral colors give the illusion of space and simplicity, but because they are "bland," you will need colorful accent pieces in the bedroom like dark elaborate furniture or several interesting wall hangings to spike interest. Conversely, if you already have eye-catching focal pieces in the bedroom, your best wall color would be a neutral.

3. Consider pastel colors for a light and clean feeling. Similar to neutrals, pastels are best accompanied by complementary bold colored accents like base-color trim on doors, windows and molding. Strong colors on furniture and beddings or curtains work well with pastel walls.

4. Consider monochromatic schemes for harmony. Defining various shades of a primary color on different areas of the room can give a unifying and calming effect. Tie up the decor and furnishings with the color theme to complete the look.

5. Consider dark tones for the cozy and sensuous mood effect. Dark shades will make a bedroom look snug and compact, but if the room is a good size, strategic positioning of lights and bright accents will give the room the intimate ambiance you desire.

Tags: bedroom want, pieces bedroom, that want, wall colors