Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bugs Found In The Bathroom

Spiders help control the insect population.

Many insects seem to make their way into bathrooms. Once thought to have gained entrance via drains, it's more likely the bugs come in through cracks and crevices. Since the smooth sides of sinks and tubs make crawling out rather difficult, you can see the trapped bugs more easily. Fortunately, there are several methods for dealing with bugs found in the bathroom.


Annoying pests in any room of your home, flies can make their way into the bathroom and buzz around your head while you try to do your business. Besides swatting the flying insects with a flyswatter, you can hang sticky traps from the ceiling, but sticky traps can be an unsure bet and can cause more harm than good in a bathroom. Another option is to fill a bowl with 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part water. Add a couple of drops of dish soap and mix with a spoon. Leave the bowl in an out-of-the-way location in the bathroom for 24 hours. The flies are attracted to the sweet scent of apple cider vinegar and will drown in the mixture.


Quite possibly the most-feared insect by people of all ages, spiders are scary-looking creatures that boast thousands of species. When confronted by a spider, many people choose to squish it with a shoe, toilet paper or any available tool that will eliminate the nasty insect, but by filling your bathroom with a pleasant lavender scent, you'll keep spiders from entering the room without having to clean up bug guts. The smell of lavender repels spiders--as well as cockroaches--without using chemicals or killing the usually defenseless creature. Use sachets filled with dried lavender to keep the aroma in the air while driving spiders out.


Despite their name, centipedes typically do not have 100 legs. They're a common sight in bathrooms, and, like spiders, are a natural method of pest control, feeding on other insects. If you choose to eliminate centipedes, pesticides are available for use on centipedes and millipedes. When using a chemical pest control, however, always read and follow all directions printed on the bottle. Hold the tip of the spray bottle several inches above the surface and apply, in a continuous line, across the bathroom baseboards, under the sink, along tubs and around toilets. After you've applied the pesticide, store it in a cool, dry location and wash hands with soapy water.


Cockroaches have the "dirty home" stigma attached to them, even though clean, well-kept homes can fall victim to a cockroach infestation. Since cockroaches prefer humid, dark locations, look for them under the bathroom sink. To eliminate these pests without filling your home with toxic fumes and chemicals, sprinkle diatomaceous earth under the bathroom sink. Diatomaceous earth is a powdery material made from fossilized algae remains, and will not harm humans or pets but will kill cockroaches by damaging their waxy exoskeletons.

Tags: apple cider, apple cider vinegar, bathroom sink, cider vinegar, filling your