Monday, March 28, 2011

Design A Bathroom Makeover

No matter how big or small the makeover, planning is the key to perfection.

The bathroom and the kitchen are the two most functional rooms in the home. They are also the two rooms that can make or break the sale of a property. Due to the cost of a complete bathroom renovation, an outdated bathroom is likely to put off potential buyers. It is, however, possible to transform your bathroom without a complete refit. Whether you're planning on selling or not, giving the bathroom a makeover will create a fresh new space that encourages relaxation.


1. Research the estimated costs for your bathroom makeover. This allows you to determine the total cost of the project. According to, you should limit the total cost of the project to 1.5 percent of the home's total value, after the project is completed.

2. Determine the color scheme and style of the bathroom. If you plan to sell the property, opt for a neutral color scheme. Neutrals are considered "inoffensive" colors -- meaning they rarely produce a strong negative reaction. Not everyone will appreciate bold, strong colors. While one person may love red, another may hate it. Neutrals solve this problem.

3. Maintain the same overall style in the bathroom as the rest of the house. If your house is minimal and modern, an ornate and elaborate vintage-style bathroom will look out of place, and vice versa.

4. Include flexible lighting in your makeover. While you want good, strong light for activities such as putting on makeup and shaving, a softer light is required for a relaxing soak in the tub. This can be achieved without extensive work by adding an item such as a bathroom mirror light.

5. Determine where you can save money and still update and alter the look of the bathroom. For example: Repaint the tiles instead of replacing them; reglaze the tub rather than purchasing a new one; and regrout to create a fresh new look.

6. Draw a simple floor plan of the bathroom on graph paper and mark down the position of the door, windows and fixtures. This allows you to work out exactly what space you have available.

7. Use your floor plan to calculate if you have the space for upgrading part or all of the bathroom suite. If you have dead space on both sides of the sink, for example, a double sink is useful as well as appealing to potential buyers. If the budget does not stretch to a new suite, replacing the faucets will make a huge difference to the bathroom without making a huge dent in the allocated budget.

8. Aim to add as much built-in storage as possible. This negates the need for free-standing storage and clears surfaces for a clutter-free look. If built-in storage is not an option due to lack of space or monetary restrictions, plan to replace or repaint cabinet doors and fit new handles.

9. Update an old-fashioned bathroom by replacing dated items with more modern alternatives. Replace the radiator with a heated towel rail, for example.

Tags: bathroom without, built-in storage, color scheme, cost project, create fresh, floor plan