Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Window Treatments For A Girl'S Bedroom

Use silk flowers to tie back gauzy curtains in a girl's bedroom

The window treatments set the decorating tone for any room, and this is nowhere more true than in a little girl's bedroom. Children's tastes change constantly as they mature, so it doesn't make sense to invest a lot of money in elaborate draperies or cornices. Fortunately, the best window treatment ideas for little girls require more creativity than cash. Use your ingenuity to dress up plain materials, add a dash of whimsy and you'll have a look that both of you will love.

Roller Shades

Roller shades are inexpensive and endlessly adaptable. You can cover them with wallpaper to match the walls or give them a wallpaper border to match the chair rail. Cut out designs from magazines or scrapbooking paper and glue them to the shade. Use rubber stamps or stamps you make from vegetables or sponges and create your own design on the fabric, or glue rows of ribbon or rickrack down the shade. The peel-and-stick plastic motifs sold as wall decorations will also adhere to a window shade. You can also personalize the edges of the shade with ribbons, tassels, sequins or ball fringe.


It's so easy to customize curtains to a little girl's tastes that you may never resort to pre-packaged decorating themes again. Paint sheer curtains with fabric paints, either freehand or using foam stamps; this is a project the girl herself can help with, making her room even more personalized. You can tie-dye sheets in a rainbow of colors and use them as curtains---just slip the curtain rod into the sheets' hem and hang. Trim curtains by sewing silk flower heads all over them for a garden-themed room, a row of bandanas to please a cowgirl or glow-in-the-dark stars for a lovely nighttime look.


Use something unexpected as a curtain rod; look for something at least as wide as the window and fairly straight, like a branch, an oar or a length of copper tubing. If you use a shower curtain rod, find curtain clips that match the room's theme such as ladybugs, butterflies, flowers or crowns. You can make tiebacks---lengths of material used to hold curtains to one side---out of anything that will wrap; try beads (Mardi Gras necklaces work well), ribbons, netting, scarves or yarn. Beaded curtains hung in the windows---either alone or over the curtains---will make a wonderful sound in the breeze and add an exotic air that any little girl will love.

Tags: little girl, girl bedroom, will love