Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Decorate A Little Boy'S Bedroom

Decorate your little boy's bedroom with a theme or color scheme he will enjoy.

Decorate your little boy's bedroom to be a comforting place where he can relax and wind down, as well as an inspiring place where his imagination can run wild. A child's bedroom is his private place where he should always feel safe and secure. Surround him with colors, images and items that make him happy. Decorate the room to allow for growth, because his interests will change as rapidly as he grows.


1. Choose a color scheme or theme for the room based on the colors and things your little boy enjoys. Focus your plan on paint or accessories. Paint is fairly inexpensive and makes a huge difference in a room, but it's time consuming to repaint a room. You can easily change accessories to give a room an entirely new look.

2. Paint the walls to fit into your design plan. If you want to focus on the paint, use a border, paint a mural on a wall or use bright colors. If you want to follow a dinosaur theme, make three walls light blue like the sky or a neutral green. Put a mural on the fourth wall that includes water, vegetation, a tree and dinosaurs. If you don't want to repaint anytime soon, use a pleasant color that works with many themes, such as blue, green or beige.

3. Arrange the furniture so that your little guy will have plenty of room to play. Create a special corner for reading, art, crafts and eventually studying. Keep his toddler-size furniture, paint or build pieces to suit the theme, or purchase sturdy furniture that he can use once he grows into his teen years. A race car-shaped bed could fit into a race car or transportation theme just as nicely as a ship-shaped bed would fit into a pirate-themed room.

4. Create easy storage solutions for your son to keep his room tidy and keep his belongings where he can reach them. Use shelves at his level to hold baskets, plastic containers or bins for his toys. Use the space underneath his bed to hold more containers.

5. Hang pictures, posters or decals on the walls if they don't contain murals or busy patterns. Hang hockey sticks or suspend a net full of sports balls from a corner for a sports-themed room. Frame his artwork if it fits in with the color scheme or theme of the room. If his bedroom is in a red, white and blue nautical theme and he draws pictures of large ships or anchors, hang them on the walls.

6. Finish the room with accessories such as the bedding, pillows, a rug and curtains. These can be solid colors in a room with busy walls or contain patterns to liven up a room with solid walls. A blue and red room with a planes, trains and automobiles theme could include pillows in the shapes of kinds of transportation, a rug featuring a city to play cars on and a lamp with a train engine base.

Tags: room with, your little, color scheme, place where, color scheme theme