Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Retro Bedroom Styles

Art Deco style features luxurious materials like marble and hardwood.

According to Furniture Quest, retro is a reinterpreted look back at furniture styles from the '30s to the '80s. For those of you who love spending all your time in antique stores, a retro look could be for you. With these blasts from the past, you’ll find a way to incorporate the geometric styles of Art Deco or the round beds of the '60s into your private space. By selecting the right retro pieces, you’ll be transported back to another time every night.

Art Deco

For people who love the look of luxury, consider Art Deco. Deco styles feature hardwoods and wood inlays, glass, ivory and marble. Start by looking for a mahogany or violet wood bed. Cover it with a satin comforter. Locate a chrome vanity table. Place lamps covered with Deco glass shades on it for a soft look. Add a bit of sitting room comfort with wood inlay chairs. A coffee table with metal or ivory inlay placed in front of them balances the look out. Complete the look with fabrics and accessory designs in geometric shapes or Egyptian symbols.


If you loved the look made popular by TV series like "Happy Days," or lived through that time yourself, the retro look of the 1950s will fit your decorative tastes nicely. Set the tone for your '50s-style bedroom by finding a retro platform bed set. Consider putting in faux river rock bricks on one wall. A Felix the Cat clock was a common decorative touch in the '50s home. Now it can keep time for you in your bedroom. Don’t forget the outside world. Call and chat with your friends on your princess-style phone that is placed beside your bed. If you enjoy unwinding by watching TV at the end of the day, see if you can find a replica of the boxy sets made popular in the '50s. Keep a tripod lamp by your bed for reading. A jukebox in the corner plays Elvis. Don’t forget to put a few nickels on top so you can play it at a moment’s notice.


If you like the prints of Andy Warhol and the funkiness of lava lamps, consider a 1960s retro look. Start your trip back to the age of love with two-toned shag carpet in orange or green. Throw a beanbag chair or two in the corner to encourage relaxation and conversation. In another corner, place a vanity or lamp with a look to the future-one filled with space travel and time warps. Spread an Indian cotton bedspread on your bed and hang long beads in the doorway of the walk-in closet. Adorn your wall with movie posters from the '60s, like "Barbarella."

Tags: retro look, Don’t forget, made popular