Once your child moves out of the crib and into a big bed, you'll need to set up a system for your child's room. Such a system will not only enable her to find the things she needs--clothes and shoes, for example--but it will also help her learn to clean up her room herself. It's a great way to set good habits now, before the years of rebellion hit.
1. Identify which clothes go where. Use pictures and letters for younger children, or just letters for older children. Label each drawer with its contents--socks and underwear, short-sleeved tops, long-sleeved tops and so forth.
2. Organize toys clearly. Set up a system of baskets or clear, plastic tubs that are labeled with pictures and letters. This way, your child can see easily which toys live in which baskets or containers.
3. Work with your child every time he puts things away initially to ensure that he understands that trains go in the basket with the train picture, Legos in the basket with the Lego picture, dress up clothes in the bin with the magic wand and so forth.
4. Create a library space. For younger children, this may be a simple basket full of books and a chair. For
5. Put a hamper in a location that your child can find easily. You don't want dirty clothes left on the floor and it's easier to set up a habit of clothing going in the hamper at the age of 5 than it is at 15.
6. Determine a standard location for children to keep their homework folder (for elementary students) or homework pile (for older kids). This way, they can scan quickly when rushing out in the morning if they've forgotten to put completed work in their backpack.
7. Put up a few hooks or a shelf with hooks.