Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home Decorating Ideas To Paint A Dining Room

Contrasting trim adds color to a white dining room.

Selecting the right color of paint for your dining room transforms the room from everyday to memorable. When the time comes for a change in the dining area of the home, paint is typically an affordable option. Unlike wall tile or paper, paint requires a low level of preparation and application skills. Always take into consideration the existing decor in the room prior to color or pattern selection. Move all furniture from the room prior to painting, and use drop cloths to cover the floors.

Color Trim

In modern times, many walls in homes are white or beige. These bright, but sometimes boring, colors are considered neutral and therefore expected to match everything. For the decorator who is tired of plain walls but not ready to step too far out of the box, trim may be the solution. Apply a fresh coat of the desired basic color to the walls, which will give a fresh look to the room. Select a color for trim based on the existing decor of the room or an adjoining room. To keep the room subdued, select a muted shade. For a brighter touch, choose a medium or light shade of the paint color. An in-store paint professional can assist you with the proper type of paint to purchase. Use this alternate color to paint a 2- to 3-inch line around windows and at the edge of the ceiling and floor. Situate the dining table so the trim is viewable while having dinner.

Accent Wall

In each room of the home, one wall draws the attention of visitors and guests. Whether it is the wall directly across from the entrance or the only wall with a window, this wall may be painted to become an accent piece. Typically, an accent wall is created by painting a brighter color apart from the remaining walls in the room. If the base color of the room is beige, an accent wall might be painted a medium red, blue or green to set it apart. The simplistic process of creating this wall only requires the selection of a separate color to apply to the area. Place a dining table so that the main view from the area is the accent wall.

Stencil Designs

For the decorator who appreciates the design of wallpaper but wishes to stick to painting, stencil designs offer a solution. Stencils are available at craft stores and require a low level of skill to apply. For use in a dining room, paint the walls a base color to begin with. Choose a stencil to match existing decor. For example, if the tablecloth is made from a rose pattern, choose a rose stencil and matching paint. Apply the stencils to the wall above seated eye level. Whether in a straight line across the wall or scattered randomly, the stencils should be visible while eating at the dining table.

Tags: dining table, existing decor, accent wall, base color, color paint