Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Make Room For A Baby In A Onebedroom Apartment

Babies have few real needs.

Expectant moms and dads often wonder how they will be able to provide space for all the accouterments necessary for a baby, particularly in a one-bedroom apartment. It is important not to buy into all the advertisements that say particular gadgets or equipment are mandatory to raise a healthy and happy baby. Infants typically have few needs, and all they really require is to be fed and changed and to feel warm, safe, loved and secure to thrive.


1. Donate, give away or discard clutter in your home. This provides extra space for the baby necessities and helps your one-bedroom apartment look tidier.

2. Feed your baby by breast feeding instead of using bottles, if possible. This is healthier for the child and recommended by the Academy of Pediatrics, according to Kids Health. Breastfeeding protects the child from infections, chronic conditions and helps prevent allergies. Bottle feeding equipment takes up a lot of space in your apartment. If you need to use bottles, buy the small ones for a newborn and wash them regularly, so you don't have to buy as many.

3. Invest in a small crib on wheels. Portable or travel cribs often have this feature and they take up less space. Push the crib into the living room area during the day so that you can keep a close eye on your newborn. Make sure the crib meets all current safety standards set by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (see Resources).

4. Purchase a feeding chair that attaches to the table edge or that fits over an existing dining room chair. This type of chair saves space and you can store it when not in use.

5. Fold the baby clothes and store them in plastic containers you can slide underneath your bed. Often, these type of plastic storage boxes have wheels to allow you to quickly slide them out of sight.

6. Purchase stack-able storage bins to use as a toy chest or to store baby paraphernalia. These help use the vertical spaces along your walls and in your closet areas and are less bulky than a toy chest.

7. Select portable or travel-sized versions of baby swings, baby gyms and other equipment for the child. These take up less space, are often less expensive than full-sized versions and are handy to take along for weekend trips away from home.

8. Position a room divider or folding screen between your bed area and the baby's bed. This gives both of you privacy and makes it seem as if the baby has a bedroom all his own.

9. Buy multi-purpose furniture that you can use for storage and other needs. For instance, if you buy a entertainment center with drawers, you can get set the TV on top of it and use the space in the drawers to hold baby supplies. Some cabinets have a fold-out surface or one you can pull out to serve as a changing table or some other use.

Tags: less space, one-bedroom apartment, take less, take less space