Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Redo A Bathroom Shower

Retiling a shower can be a weekend project.

Bathroom showers are typically made from tiles or fiberglass. Either shower type can be replaced, but this is an advanced do-it-yourself project. Fiberglass shower replacement is best suited for a professional because casings can be difficult to remove and install depending on the size of the bathroom. Having a refitting company cover an existing fiberglass shower is a trend in bathroom improvements. Retiling a shower is less complicated and can be completed by a moderately experienced "do-it-yourselfer" in a single weekend.


1. Remove the old shower tiles using a hammer and chisel. Remove the first title by punching the center of the tile with the hammer and chisel. Then work your way through the other tiles.

2. Remove old caulking and grout from the shower wall. Caulking can be pulled away from the surface by hand or scraped off with a razor knife. Grout can be knocked loose with a hammer. Smooth rough spots with sandpaper.

3. Apply tile adhesive to the backs of each tile as you place them on a clean and dry wall. Start in a bottom corner and move up and out to keep tiles straight. Allow 24 hours for tiles to set. Some tiles may need to be cut with a tile saw to fit in corners or other odd-shaped spaces.

4. Seal seams with new grout using a putty knife or rubber squeegee. Smooth the grout in the joint with your finger. Clean excess grout from the tiles and allow to dry.

5. Seal shower edges and around faucets and the shower head with silicone caulking. Use your finger to smooth the caulking into each joint. Make sure everything is well-covered to help prevent leaks.

6. Apply edging tiles to where tile shower meets tub or around shower floor for an additional accent or to help prevent leaks. The edging tiles are applied like wall tiles.

Tags: edging tiles, from tiles, grout from, hammer chisel, help prevent