Monday, November 30, 2009

Teen Pink & Orange Bedroom Ideas

Place pink and orange flowers in a vase for an instant pop of color.

Teens love to let their personalities shine through in their bedroom décor. At this age, they have developed a preferred sense of style and want to show it off. Many teens love the bold, vibrant, bright colors of pink and orange. There are a number of ways that your teen can decorate her bedroom using this sassy color scheme.

Bright Walls

For a room so bright you may need sunglasses, paint two opposite walls neon pink. Paint the other two walls neon orange. Tone down the pink and orange with grey sheets and a white bedspread. Place accent pillows on the bed that are pink with orange polka dots. You can either make these pillows yourself or buy them. Twist some sheer pink and orange fabric together and drape over a curtain rod for a window treatment. Use white shelves and furniture to complement the white bedspread. Place pink and orange glass vases on some of the shelves.

Polka Dots

Maybe you live in an apartment where wall painting is prohibited. You can still have a cool pink- and orange-themed bedroom. Cut out different sized cardboard circles. Purchase some pink and orange fabric and cover each of the cardboard circles with the different colors. Place them strategically on one or two of your walls. Find a pink area rug to place on the floor and pair it with an orange comforter for the bed. Make a lounge area in one corner with an orange beanbag chair accented with a white pillow with pink polka dots.


Not everyone who likes the pink and orange color combination wants a loud, bold decorating scheme. Accent your room with pink and orange accessories. Since these are bright colors, this works best when the rest of the room is done in more neutral tones like white, beige, black or gray. Hang a shelf on the wall and place two or three alternating pink and orange glass vases on them. Buy some fake pink and orange flowers and place them in the vase of the opposite color. On your bed, use one pink accent pillow and one orange one. For added storage find some large pink or orange boxes and place on the floor at the foot of your bed.

Tags: pink orange, with orange, bedspread Place, bright colors, cardboard circles, glass vases