Thursday, November 5, 2009

Proper Dining Room Light Height

Lighting is a key element of interior design and that can quickly alter the ambiance of a room. When installing dining room light fixtures there are certain "rules" to avoid potential safety hazards to family and friends, but also to provide a sense and feel throughout the room that will complement the overall design theme.

Hanging Lamps

Traditionally, chandeliers are hung at a height of 30 to 36 inches above the center of the dining room table. Pendant chandeliers are hung around 28 to 34 inches, depending on the fixture's length and style. If your ceiling is higher than the standard 8-foot ceiling, you should add an extra 3 inches for every foot and consider using higher-watt light bulbs to provide adequate lighting for dining and family gatherings. To avoid fire hazards and interruption of the traffic flow through the dining room, hang the chandelier at least 48 inches away from surrounding walls and tall furniture.

However, chandeliers are quite versatile and easy to incorporate into many different design styles. For contemporary and modern spaces where the dining room table may be smaller than a traditional piece, consider hanging the chandelier at a lower height to create a more personable environment. It is important to note that low-hung chandelier lights give off excessive heat and can cast strange and distorting shadows on facial features than may make guests uncomfortable. Consider using low-watt light bulbs or dimmers to control the amount of lighting shed by the fixture.

Wall Lights

Wall-mounted lights are ideal accent lighting fixtures that compensate for low-light areas or features, creates visual interest and direct visual focus toward key design elements. Ideally, wall-mounted sconces and wall candles should hang 60 to 72 inches--about eye level--above the floor and should be located 8 to 10 feet apart. When installing sconces, keep the fixture at a height that prevents guests from seeing the light bulb within the fixture. In addition, coordinate wall-mounted lights with the rest of the interior design and consider purchasing matching fixtures to create unity and strengthen the overall design theme.

Tips for Selecting Lighting

With all the different styles of lighting options available, how exactly do you know which style to pick for your design? First, do some research about the design style you selected for your dining room. Classic and elegant designs are always suitable for large decorative chandeliers, while arts and crafts or eclectic approaches are more appropriate for smaller, more humble fixtures like pendant lighting. There are specialized hanging lamps designed for theme-specific rooms like billiard or nature inspired dining areas.

Consider installing task lighting if the dining room has more than one purpose, such as serving as both the dining room and home office. For lamps that have visible cords and chains, use fabric or fake vines and flowers that match your design theme to conceal the hardware. Consider installing track lighting to create a variety of focal points or shed light into hard-to-reach areas. Track lighting works great for outdoor dining areas as well.

Tags: dining room, design theme, dining room, chandeliers hung, Consider installing, dining areas, dining room table