Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Replace A Bathroom Sink P Trap

Save money by performing minor plumbing jobs.

The P-trap is the curved pipe beneath a bathroom sink. It is curved to catch heavier debris and to hold a small amount of water, keeping sewer gas from rising through the pipes and into the house. They are made of either metal or PVC (vinyl) and are inexpensive and easy to install. Replacing a P-trap requires basic mechanical skill and can be done without tools if the slip nuts are not too tight.


1. Clear the area beneath the sink. Place the bucket beneath the P-trap. Locate the two slip nuts (one on each side) holding the P-trap in place.

2. Loosen and remove either slip nut by twisting it counterclockwise either with the wrench or by hand. Hold the trap with one hand while loosening and removing the second slip nut. Lower the trap and dump any water or debris into the bucket.

3. Tear off strips of plumber's tape, and wrap the threads of the new trap. Hold the new P-trap in place and tighten the slip nuts by hand. Turn on the water to test it. Tighten the slip nuts to stop any leaks.

Tags: slip nuts, P-trap place