Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Decorate A Little Girl'S Bedroom For Cheap

Decorate a Little Girl's Bedroom for Cheap

Children's tastes and style preferences can change quickly as they grow up. One day your daughter will want everything that she owns to be pink and purple with fairies and unicorns, the next she feels that she is too old for babyish designs and wants her room filled with rock star posters, designer furniture and neon colored walls. Learn decorate a little girl's bedroom for cheap, that way you can save the money for when she becomes a teenager and wants to redo it all anyways.



1. Paint the walls in your child's favorite color scheme or use a color wheel to determine what looks good together if you are starting from scratch. Paint a sample of each color on card stock to bring with you when you are shopping for other accessories to bring into the space.

2. Buy wall decals that complement the colors in the room or match the theme that you have chosen for the space. They can be found relatively cheaply and you can remove them later without having to repaint.

3. Use stencil designs to decorate a little girl's bedroom if you cannot find the decals that you want. Something as simple as the words "Sweet Dreams" with the child's name underneath it can add color and personality to the space.


4. Choose a more neutral color, rather than a favorite hue, for carpet and flooring. When interior design style tastes change, ripping out the carpet and replacing it is not always an option, nor is it cheap.

5. Install carpet tiles if you are insistent at using a gender-themed color, such as pink or purple, because they are cheaper than standard carpet and can be made into many neat designs. It is also cheaper to replace a single square that is damaged or stained, rather than the whole floor.

6. Bring in additional color through fun area rugs. They come in a variety of hues, shapes and sizes, as well as theme characters.

Artwork and Accessories

7. Gather a few of the little girl's favorite photos of herself, family and friends. Take new ones to match the theme of the room as well, like her dressed in a tiara for a princess bedroom.

8. Buy a few simple, plain picture frames and dress them up to match the rest of the decor with paint or other embellishments. Put stick-on gems and jewels down the front of the frames for added sparkle and shine.

9. Install decorative hooks to hold her jewelry, hats, purses, scarves, ponytail holders and other treasures that she uses when she dresses up. The best way to decorate a little girl's bedroom for cheap is to display the things that she already owns and loves.

Tags: decorate little, decals that, Decorate Little, decorate little girl, girl bedroom, Girl Bedroom Cheap, little girl