Monday, October 31, 2011

Decorate A Bathroom That Has Pink Tile

Decorating a Pink Tile Bathroom

So, you have bought a charming old home and you are really excited to start decorating it - well, every room except the PINK BATHROOM!

Well, don't fret, there are plenty of ways to decorate a pink tiled bathroom. And the results can be surprisingly beautiful.

So, embrace the pink and let's get started:


1. A pink tiled bathroom that has black trim probably offers the most flexibility in decorating styles. You can decorate your bathroom in a very streamlined, minimalist look, by just decorating with black and white. White linens with black trim or monogram would keep everything classic. Black and white prints, framed in black are another way to keep things simple.

2. Another great look for a pink tiled bathroom is to go Hollywood Glam style! Again, use white linens and accents, but this time, add a chandelier, too, for a real, "Wow!" factor. In other words, embrace the pink and take it to a whole new level. If you've got it (pink tiles), flaunt it!

3. If the trim on your pink tiled bathroom is brown, you are in luck because decorating with pink and brown is really popular right now. I would still choose white as the main accent color, but with little touches of brown. Perhaps white towels with brown trim or brown shades on the lighting in the bathroom. You could also bring in some medium or dark wood textures into the bathroom. Maybe even a brown and white damask shower curtain or pink and brown would work as well.

Tags: pink tiled, pink tiled bathroom, tiled bathroom, black trim, decorating with