Monday, April 19, 2010

Small Bedroom Paint Colors

Light wall colors can help make the most of small spaces.

Small bedrooms present an interesting challenge when the time comes to choose paint colors. You could opt for traditional white, to maximize exposure and give the room its most spacious appearance possible. Or you could try bold colors to make the most of what's available. With careful consideration and selection, a variety of palettes can present excellent choices.

Light and White

White bedrooms appear spacious and open.

White is a classic paint choice for small bedrooms---airy and open, white walls give the impression of the most possible space. Without accessories or decor, plain white may seem overly stark; consider ivory, cream or any of the myriad variant shades of white available. White doesn't have to be dull; depending on your other decor and the space you have to work with, it may represent an excellent choice.

Khaki: Nice and Neutral

Maximize spaciousness without sacrificing color.

If you wish to move beyond white but still want a spacious effect, neutral or light-colored paint choices can lend a splash of color while preserving an open, airy feel. Khaki and eggshell browns are popular choices: light and unobtrusive, these shades can help minimize smudges and stains while working to play up the attributes of a small bedroom. A plethora of light shades of every color exist in paint color wheels; use any of these to play up small spaces.

Oranges: Intense and Complementary

If warmer colors appeal to you more than white or the cool, receding colors, a two-tone orange scheme can yield a striking impression while avoiding the feeling of a cramped atmosphere. Choosing a bright tangerine paint for two facing walls and a lighter, complementary soft orange shade (preferably from the same color card) for the other two can create a sense of depth that white (or any other one-tone paint job) can't replicate.

Orange is a vibrant but snug color, but if nectarine hues don't appeal to your senses, achieve the same effect with two-tone schemes of other bright colors. A word to the wise: Combining red and pink can be eye-opening, to say the least; while darker red combinations may be overwhelming. Use caution and test out sample paint chips before proceeding.

Blue, Bold and Dramatic

Those of a bolder mindset may choose to decorate with bold or dark colors in order to enhance the dramatic appeal of a room (as opposed to trying to make the room look less cramped with light, neutral colors). Blue, with its relaxing qualities, is a popular bedroom choice. But even black paint can work for a bedroom with certain accessories (such as corner lighting and windows) to enhance the decor.

There are no steadfast rules. Your personality, the mood you wish to create, and the bedroom itself set the parameters.

Tags: make most, small spaces