Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Best Basement Air Systems

Choosing the proper air system for a basement will contribute your homes overall health and energy use. It can protect your family from harmful pollutants and gases such as Radon, dust mites and mold. These contaminants are dangerous and cause serious health problems, known as the Sick Home Syndrome. The type of air system varies depending on the location of the home, size including height, and the amount of current ventilation, such as windows or doors.

E-Z Breathe

The E-Z Breathe ventilation systems is one of the best selling products for basements with humidity problems. The system works by removing toxins from the air and removes stagnant air by its powerful circulation feature. This feature draws air from other parts of the home in order to keep fresh containment free air in the basement. It is virtually maintenance free and requires no emptying of buckets or holding tanks. While designed for basements the E-Z Breathe system can easily be used for the whole house. This system is priced around $1,500.

WAVE Home Solutions

The WAVE Ventilation system works in a similar manner as the E-Z Breathe system, but it utilizes much less energy for operation. Its energy consumption is less than a 40-watt light bulb. WAVE'S basement model quickly expels water and condensation from any basement. However, unlike dehumidifiers the WAVE system re-circulates the air. Depending on the amount dampness it could take a week or longer to see the results. This system runs in the $1,700 to $1,800 range.


The Humidex system expels stagnant air to the outside, via a duct similar to that of a dryer. This assures that the stagnant air never rises to other parts of the home. The clean air from the upstairs circulates down to the basement; this exchange removes toxins caused by dormant air. In the process of the air swap, the once damp and musty areas become dry with the newly extracted warm air. These systems range in price from $1,400 to $1,700.

Honeywell TrueFRESH

The name Honeywell is synonymous with quality products; they have been in business since 1906. Currently Honeywell offers the TrueFRESH home ventilation system. Designed with the whole house in mind it is also common in the basements of homes, where the dormant air lingers. It runs on the same energy as a 100-watt light bulb and is a power horse for ridding a home of dangerous pollutants, dampness and condensation. This system's price is in the $1,200 range.

Tags: best, basement, systems, This system, Breathe system, light bulb, other parts, other parts home, parts home, system works, whole house