Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Easter Fundraiser Ideas

You can start a new Easter tradition by organizing Easter fundraisers that will be enjoyed by children and adults alike. By creating posters and banners and giving out flyers or by advertising the event in your community and even in your church, you can start fundraising events that are sure to be successful. All you need is a little time and preparation and you'll be on your way to raising the funds that you need.

Easter Egg Decorating

An Easter tradition has always been for children to decorate eggs. Why not make this tradition a part of your fundraising activity? You can begin by setting up tables at your chosen venue and lay out materials such as markers, paint, yarn and glitter. Supply children with eggs and have their parents pay $1 to decorate an egg. At the end of the event, have a judge choose the best decorated egg and the winner will receive a prize. You can even have several prizes for different categories such as most creative and most traditional, for example.

Easter Egg Hunt

There are two ways in which you can play the Easter Egg Hunt game. One is for the participants to find as many eggs as they can and the other is for participants to find eggs that match and the one with the most matching eggs wins. To raise funds for this event, ask people to buy tickets to participate in the game. From the amount of tickets sold, you'll be able to determine how many eggs you'll need to hide. The more people you have, the more eggs you'll have to hide. At the end of the game, you can award a prize to the winner.

Pictures with the Easter Bunny

Ask a volunteer to come to your event dressed as the Easter Bunny. If your organization doesn't have a costume, you can rent one from a costume rental. Just like children do with Santa during Christmas, you can set up an area and ask for donations for children to take a picture with the Easter Bunny. You may also want to consider asking more than one person to volunteer for the bunny position depending on how many children there will be in attendance so they can take turns taking pictures with the kids.

Easter Basket Raffle

By making a beautiful Easter baskets with chocolate and other goodies, you'll be able to raise funds for your organization. Make or buy ready-made Easter baskets with lots of different themes such as one with all chocolates and candies and another with gourmet food items, and another with cookies or fruits. Create baskets with varying items or sizes so that you can raffle off a first place, second place and third place prized basket. You can sell raffle tickets for the raffling off of the Easter baskets with the winning numbers claiming their prizes.

Tags: easter, fundraiser, baskets with, Easter baskets, Easter baskets with, Easter Bunny, another with, children with, Easter Hunt, Easter tradition, eggs have, many eggs, participants find, raise funds