Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Policies On Supervision Of Restrooms At Daycares

A daycare includes supervison plans for children using the restroom.

Daycare guidelines mandate adequate supervision for children. Adequate supervision means staff must see or hear the children that fall under the staff person's care. A child may enter the restroom alone as long as staff can hear the child or see the restroom door.


According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, about 58,000 children were abducted by non-family members in one year and about 204,000 were abducted by family members. Policies on supervision in all areas of a daycare, including the restroom, are crucial in providing a safe environment for children.


Each state provides supervision ratios for daycare centers. Regularly check staff ratios against children in attendance and consider all areas children use. Place staff in doorways of rooms next to the restroom to provide a watchful eye during restroom breaks while still offering availability to the room they normally supervise.


Do not substitute video cameras for adult supervision. Cameras identify mistakes later, but do not provide safety at the time of the incident. An adult placed in the area of the restroom minimizes risk and hazards.

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